Short Description
Our project discusses how European societies may change under the impact of increasing international migration. We use two types of approaches:
(SO1) The first one deals with migrants themselves: we analyze how migrants change after migration and how their values and behaviors depend both on the culture and norms of origin country and on the ones of the host society. In other words, we try to find how long migrants may be different from the host society. For this we plan to employ cross-classification models on large-scale datasets (mainly the series of the value survey, but also ESS).
(SO2) The second approach is to see how societies change under the impact of (incoming) migration. We employ for this longitudinal models on an aggregate database that we plan to compile using various sources.
Answering the two above-questions leads to our main goal, (SO0) which is to assess if European societies may become more similar or more different under the impact of international migration and transnationalism.
We focus our analysis on four main fields: orientations towards modernity, civic participation, political participation, and life satisfaction. For all these fields we propose (SO1) and (SO2) explanations which we test using quantitative data. The results serves for building a comprehensive explanation for how migrants and host societies change, open discussion about the change of sending societies, and leads to at least partially answer (SO0).
A more detailed explanation of our aims, as specified in the initial application, is available in this file.