
The Romanian team for studying social values is a group of sociologists interested in researching the Romanian social values, from longitudinal and comparative perspectives. The studies are mainly quantitative, being based on the investigation of the values surveys (European Values Survey, respectively World Values Survey), but also on other national and comparative data sources.

For a detailed description of the EVS/WVS project, please check the pages of the respective international teams: EVS and WVS. A description in the Romanian language is available from the Romanian version of this web-page.

The group is hosted by the Research Institute for  Quality of Life (ICCV). Its history is closely related to the data collecting for the Romanian versions of the values studies. The current nucleus structured and become stronger and stronger starting with the 1999 joint wave of the European//World Values Survey. We were then involved in data collecting for the WVS 2005 wave, EVS 2008, and more recently the WVS 2010-2012 wave (September 2012).

In 2007, the team members have published a book describing the dynamics of the Romanian social values (Mălina Voicu, Bogdan Voicu, eds. 2007. Valori ale romanilor: 1993-2006. O perspectiva sociologica [Romanian values: 1993-2006. A sociological perspective], Iaşi: Editura Institutul European). Since 2009, we use our newsletter series (only in Romanian language) to disseminate at societal level the results of the EVS/WVS, and of some other surveys of the values of the Romanian migrants abroad.